Does SEO shake the small and medium-sized businesses?

This Newsletters is a bit unusual as we do not intend to enlighten the benefits of SEO. Certainly the benefits are many and it is highly recommended to have a search engine positioning strategy if we have an internet presence.

If you have reached this article and do not know what SEO is, we recommend you read this section of our website first: What is SEO? and then go over here again. If you know what this is about, it is interested or you are interested in implementing SEO strategies for your SME, we would love to continue reading this Newsletter in which we speak with total frankness.

If you have come to this article and do not know what SEO is, we recommend you read this section of our website first: What is SEO? and then go over here again. If you know what this is about, you are interested in or you are interested in implementing SEO strategies for your SME, we would love to continue reading this Newsletter in which we are speaking frankly.

Does SEO Frighten?
Let us not be fooled, the search engine rankings can scare the small entrepreneurs for the great magnitude of the project, which implies implementing an SEO strategy that is consistent with its business model. These strategies are multidisciplinary processes that involve different profiles such as Marketing people, web development technicians, web analysts, designers ... and everyone has to work with the goal of connecting with your audience through organic search results .

When a company sees and releases this famous phrase from: I want my website to go first on Google. What do I have to do? Many think: this talk is going to be long. Do you have time to talk quietly?

SMEs, Freelancers and Entrepreneurs do not have a Marketing Department to guide them in the contents of their website, nor do they have a technical department that will implement the suggestions of the SEO Analyst and often does not have a large budget to carry Your purposes regarding web positioning.

An illustrative practical example
Eurosports Shoe Shops has a business of selling sports shoes in the province of a relatively small city. The owner has a store in the center of the city that gives them stable income, another in commercial galleries on the outskirts of the city whose profitability is huge and a third store in a commercial complex with strong brands like Decathlon, which by the way, for a short time they take them a lot but very well.

His master Antonio, is young and with a lot of initiative and seen that his three stores work very well in different commercial areas of the city, he decides to create an electronic commerce to sell sports shoes throughout the country.

Antonio has made an analysis of his competition through a search for Google and he sees that he must compete with companies like Zalando, Amazon, Ebay, Esprintadora, Serenza ... and many other very powerful websites.

With all the enthusiasm of the world, Antonio is going to see a web agency and tells them he wants an ecommerce to sell his sports shoes online, and of course, he has the need to go out on Google's first searches.

He who does not know Antonio (and obviously does not have to know it since he is not an expert) is that his is based on three factors:


For a website to be positioned correctly in search engines, it must be friendly to crawlers, that is, it must have some specific characteristics so that Google and other search engines can read them well and therefore index them in their databases. For this Antonio has the help of an expert SEO consultant who will advise you on the technical issues that a SEO Friendly website should have:

  • Internal link:

The web must be perfectly structured in categories, subcategories, products ... without creating a labyrinth structure for crawlers.

  • URL Structure:

The URL's are browser links which should be simple and contain the appropriate keywords.

  • Mobile configuration:

That the web be accessible to all of your mobile devices.

  • Load speed:

That you load quickly and quickly.

This is the part of the most technical process and the easiest to implement since Antonio has a web development company with extensive experience in the sector and the implementation of friendly SEO websites.

The authority means that Antonio had to take the number one website to Google, for example,, track how many inbound links point to this website and how many appointments or mentions are made of it. It's actually a bit more complex since the Authority will also vary from the quality of these links that point to the web page but as we see that it has the first place in Google, we can say that the links of are very much quality

After this study Antonio reaches the conclusion that thousands of inbound links, mentions and appointments that reach the web, since is a very powerful active reference on the Internet and, if that were not enough, it has behind a community of Followers who love this website and make speaker brand (influencers). Antonio begins to frighten himself, the work he should do in terms of personal and financial effort is really giant and his SEO expert has told him that if he wants to reach these positions he will have no choice but to overcome in Authority

After his first study Antonio decides not to throw the towel and to deepen the relevance of the content of, with which he arranges to measure the following:

The texts:
the density of the content they have. We are not talking about keywords (keywords) but rather the amount of words in general that these texts have.

Videos of relevant content

Some technical aspects like the use of structured marking
HML structure and things that Antonio does not understand too much. And finally, the authenticity and freshness of its contents.

Then Antonio realizes, together with the SEO expert, that he will have to create a YouTube channel with more than 500 relevant videos with thousands of likes, an account in Pinterest with countless photos of his products, a Facebook account with updated daily content , another account in Instagram with hundreds of videos and images, plus an account on Twitter, Google +, Snapchat and Vine.

How can you imagine, Antonio; a modest entrepreneur from a small city but wanting to eat the world, he started having cold sweats and that still SEO did not make a serious study of the keywords with which he must compete.

The process that Antonio and his team are going to have to perform is reiterative:

1 Study the keywords, studying your competition and analyzing the results of your web (web analytics)

2nd Technical optimization and content, on your website obviously and studying in competition.

3rd Creating Authority, through online marketing, digital strategy and corporate branding.

4th Measurement of results, through the web analytics.

Once the fourth point is finished, it is necessary to start over to strengthen the SEO strategy for certain keywords. A process that depends on the sector can see results in the 3 or 6 first months and in others, however, years or more.

 Seen in this way and we forgive the experts to simplify so much, when a small entrepreneur or entrepreneur has the opportunity to scale search engine positions he frightens himself very much, as he does not have the necessary time neither the budget and especially the team to create the relevant content that will make you take an authority on the network.

Many will think that we will always have the SEM (pay-per-click advertising model), true, but the SEO must be seen as a way to get to know our audience better and to identify how to connect with it, optimizing our content to meet her. With the SEM in exchange as an Outbound Marketing strategy, most of the time the user's opinion is not taken into account, although the process of indexing and studying keywords is similar. For the SEM the Authority and Relevance is not important and we have to see in them the opportunity to create a brand that will eventually stay a bit more durable than the one that takes a SEM campaign to run out.

Does this mean that Antonio has to abandon his intention to sell online? No, flat out, but your SEO strategy will have to be more local, start with more local market niches on the internet, make good use of social networks as they are the word of our times. And little by little with the web analysis, see what holes are leaving the market to be able to be introduced in the first search sites for certain keywords and obviously will not be as generic as "sneakers brand X ".

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