5 most popular SEO tools for blogger to better position

If you have an online store and advanced SEO knowledge, you'll surely be able to control and measure certain key parameters when it comes to positioning in search engines, such as the page loading speed, possible 404 errors in the Online store or the quality of your backlinks. For this reason, today we review 5 SEO tools, some free and others for payment, with which you can control and improve the SEO of your online store and to help you to position you in search engines.

1. SEO Tools: Screaming Frog
Screaming Frog is a paid SEO tool (with free trial period) that lets you crawl (crawl) any web and access all the details related to each URL of this website. With Screaming Frog you can see which pages on a web are public, which are redirected, or which give 404 error or server error. This tool will also let you know if you have duplicate meta-information, which pages have closed robots.txt in search engines, or if you have correctly applied the hierarchy H1, H2, H3. In short, a great SEO tool to know the status of all the pages of your online store.

2. SEO tools: Rank Tracker

Rank Tracker is a payment tool that lets you track daily selected keywords in various search engines and languages, geographically filtered by country. It is very useful to choose and monitor the keywords that are profitable for your business and those of your competition, and allows you to automate much of the tasks of all keyword research.

3. SEO tools: GTmetrix

With GTmetrix, a free tool, you can perform an audit of the loading speed of your online store and determine what to do to improve it in case the result is not positive, since the same tool provides you with improvements to put in practice A great addition to Google Page Speed ​​?? and that goes into much more detail.

4. SEO tools: Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is an SEO tool that gives you suggestions on new keywords for your keyword research. In addition to showing you the recommended keywords in several languages, it automatically creates new suggestions based on the keywords previously selected by the same tool. And best of all: it's free.

5. SEO Tools: Ahrefs

Ahrefs is a payment tool (with a free trial period) that will allow you to audit your backlinks (external links pointing to your page) and its level of toxicity. Remember that certain algorithms from Google, such as Penguin, focus on penalizing toxic or low quality backlinks. With this tool you can know the quality of the links that point to your page and eliminate them if they are very toxic before Penguin detects and penalizes you.

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